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Sarcastic - Bacteria! The Only Culture Some People Have

Either you get it or you don't! It's no secret culture is, shall we say, on the decline in modern times. Just how far is has regressed however can easily be expressed at the bacteria level!

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Sarcastic - Forget Sugar and Spice, I'm Full of Sarcasm, Profanity & Wine!

Either you get it or you don't! Look, if you think I am the sort of person who is full of sugar and spice then you've got another thing coming as it's all just sarcasm, profanity deep down inside!

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Sarcastic - So.....Apparently I Have An Attitude

Either you get it or you don't! I'm not sure I understand this and I really don't see it myself but for some reason, some people saw, that I (of all people) have an attitude!?!?!

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Sarcastic - I Can't Adult Today...Tomorrow Doesn't Look good Either!

Either you get it or you don't! Woke up, took stock of my surroundings as well as my headspace and yeah, I can't Adult today. I gotta be honest, tomorrow and the long term outlook isn't looking so hot either!

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Sarcastic - I LOVE Sarcasm, It is like Punching People in the Face But With Words

Either you get it or you don't! Everyone likes to sue people and do this thing called "call the cops" instead of a straight-up fight so instead, I'll attack with words and fight the defenseless!

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Sarcastic - Sorry for the Awful, Mean, ACCURATE Things I've Said!

Look, I know what I said could be interpreted as awful and/or mean but it is important here to acknowledge that at least I didn't lie or make things up!

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Sarcastic - Stop Making Stupid People Famous!

There is a pox, a plague, and rot in our world and it is simply that for reasons no one can understand stupid people keep being made famous. It is with that thought in mind that I implore everyone, stop making stupid people famous!

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Sarcastic - This Girl Runs on Caffeine and Sarcasm!

One gets me up in the morning and one carries me through the day. Which is which I leave up to everyone else to determine!

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Sarcastic - Today Has Been Cancelled, Go Back To Bed!

Never feel fellow humans, I awoke this morning before everyone else, checking everything and I've determined that today has been canceled so you can all go back to sleep!

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Funny - Idiot Savant of Violence

One can find clarity in the strangest places!!
