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Lawyer - Miss? Ms? Mrs? ... ESQ!

When you spend that much time and that much money and that much effort it is not Miss, not Ms, not Mrs but most definitely ESQ!!

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Lawyer - Will Give Legal Advice For Tacos

Lawyers are generally expensive and justifiably so (in most cases) however from time to time you can find a deal and there is no better deal than legal advice for tacos!!

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Lawyer - Eat. Sleep. Law School. Repeat.

Any law student can completely relate to this. There is a reason lawyers are so well paid and part of it is the schooling which only allows for eat, sleep, law school and then repeat!!

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Lawyer - Law School Survivor

Law school is no joke. In fact, for those who have gone through it, they know you don't as much graduate from it as much as you survive it!!

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Lawyer - Live Laugh Lawsuit

We do so love a play on words so upending the live, laugh, love with live, laugh, lawsuit is a stroke of genius!!

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Lawyer - My Favorite Lawyer Calls Me Dad

Parents the world over all want the best for their kids and now those with the option can proudly announce their favorite lawyer calls them Dad!

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Lawyer - My Favorite Lawyer Calls Me Mom

Parents the world over all want the best for their kids and now those with the option can proudly announce their favorite lawyer calls them Mom!

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Lawyer - Lawyer Girl

We've got boss girls, gamer girls, sport girl and many more so peoudly annoucen to the world you're a Lawyer Girl!

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Lawyer - Where There's A Will There's Lawyer

You've heard that where there is a will there is a way but we know that truthfully, where there is a will, there is a lawyer!!
