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Pharmacist - Because Bad Ass Drug Dealer isn't an Official Job Title!

Look, there are drug dealers (bad) and then there are DRUG DEALERS (good - Pharmacists)! Pharmacists though are really good, bad ass drug dealers of the prescription kind that "bad ass drug dealer" describes but just has such a bad connotation?!?!?

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Pharmacist - Please Do Not Confuse Your Google Search With My Parmacist!

Let's be honest, far, far too many people do a simply search, find some bogus or misleading article, and decide that is what ails them. What they really need, is the expertise and experience of a good Pharmacist so the confusion can be eliminated!

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Pharmacist - Slinging' Pills to Pay the Bills!

It's all in a day's work and Pharmacists are just slinging pills to pay the bills and bring some relief and joy to the world!
